We have produced helpful resources to help the Club, Conference, Union, & Division leaders organize and plan for your time at the Camporee. Preparation is key for you to have a successful Camporee.

Checklist Resources

Check Lists

  1. Pathfinder Club Camping Supplies List
  2. Pathfinder Club Director Check List
    • Club Medical Release Forms must be kept in two places:
      • At your campground with club medical coordinator or Club Director
      • On each person (child & adult) – in a back pack or fanny pack or pocket
  3. Campsite Cooking, Safety, & Health
  4. Flag Display Information
  5. RV Checklist

Cooking & Fire Extinguishers

Fire Extinguishers Graphic 768x709Clubs

  • The Fire Marshall requests that every club bring 5lb or larger fire extinguishers that are rated at least: 2A:10B:C for use in camping areas.  Large Clubs will need several extinguishers.
  • In addition, if the club will have a large or group cooking area that uses fryers or grease then the Fire Marshal requests that a class K extinguisher also be used.
  • All Fire Extinguishers must have a current service tag (inspected within the past year).

Download and Print Fire Extinguisher Requirements

Fire Extinguisher Requierments PDF

Medical Resources